Health Archive

How to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Improving your emotional intelligence can actually do a lot more for you than making it easier to smooth over disagreements with your significant other. Testing and research have revealed that a startling 90 percent of the most talented and top-performing people in …

Top 7 Health Risks For Young Adults

Advancements in medicine have caused our risk from sickness and disease to reach all-time lows, however even with these advancements, there are still very real health risks for everyone, even those who have both youth and good physical condition in their favor. …

9 Signs You Are Eating Too Much Sugar

As a society, we are under siege and the trouble only seems to be getting worse. Sugar might be considered the drug of choice for the masses because it’s legal, it’s available everywhere and it tastes fantastic. Sure, comparing sugar to a …

9 Eye-Opening Dangers of Hot Dogs

There’s a famous quote attributed to Otto von Bismarck that states, “Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made.” The same could very well be true for hot dogs since understanding how the average …

10 Possible Reasons For Headaches

Headaches are a big part of life for some people, while others report never having had one in their lives. We’re all familiar with the most common – or what we think are the most common – causes for headaches which include …