Monthly Archive:: April 2017

Improve Your Health: 11 Superfoods

Health is the biggest gift nature has provided humans and also given the responsibility to take care of it until the end. However, in order to fulfill that task, nature has also provided us necessary elements. Those elements are generally known as …

Near Death Experiences: 10 Astonishing Accounts

The stories of people who have had life-altering near-death experiences are a rare phenomenon. Their descriptions are simply mind-boggling. Here are 10 of the most astonishing reported near-death experiences. 10. Betty J. Eadie While undergoing a partial hysterectomy in November of 1973, …

iPhone 8: Release News and Rumours

Before long, Apple will grace us with yet another new device: the iPhone 8. Set to be released in October of 2017, this model marks the tenth anniversary of the original iPhone. The eighth model will be packed with new features and …

6 Time Slip Mysteries

When it comes to paranormal activities, most people would have a laugh and quickly dismiss it. I mean, after all there is no such thing as ghosts, aliens, demons and spirits right? In recent times, there have been quite a few discoveries …