dale Archive

Top 10 Cancer Symptoms

Cancer is a word that tends to get our attention immediately. Whenever we suspect that something may be wrong with us, the worst-case scenario that runs through our minds often involves cancer. Sometimes cancer can be present for years before it is …

How to Eat Healthy When Eating Out

While there are many people who manage to stick to a healthy diet by preparing most of their meals and snacks at home, dining out usually presents a unique challenge. Any restaurant you are likely to visit has a limited menu and …

8 Unusual Reasons For Divorce

Divorce is far from being an uncommon occurrence in today’s world and most of the time we hear the same reasons again and again. Infidelity is a leading reason, as is “irreconcilable differences” which presumably means “we just don’t get along anymore.” …

11 Signs You’re Dating A Psychopath

It’s something that probably crosses everyone’s mind at least once during the start of a new relationship. Is that seemingly wonderful new person I may be falling for a psycho? A genuine psychopath is often quite capable of acting like the most …

8 Reasons Why Women Fall Out Of Love

Who can forget the feelings that you experience at the start of a new and promising relationship? There’s hardly a moment that passes when you don’t think about him and you can barely contain the anticipation of seeing him again. You don’t …

10 Foods to Eat When Detoxing

Whether or not people can help the body detoxify itself is a matter that can be quite controversial. While there is no doubt that certain foods may accelerate elimination, a true “detox” is something that numerous products claim to accomplish. The fact …