Monthly Archive:: October 2017

5 Exercises to Train Your Brain

Did you know that your body isn’t the only thing that needs exercise? Your brain also needs exercise in order to function properly. Brain exercises sharpen intellect and improve the cognitive abilities. Just as you exercise your body to keep your heart …

5 Scientific Health Benefits of Kissing

Kissing is a unique trait, seen only among humans. It is a method of swapping germs through saliva, building up the body’s immunity and making it stronger against diseases. However, kissing is much more than just a biological function. It also shows …

5 Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a disease that is dangerous and potentially life-threatening. Many people are shocked when they discover that they have Type 2 Diabetes, but the truth is, it has several warning signs. These symptoms may appear harmless but should not …

5 Simple Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Anyone who has worked out at least for a month will know that reducing belly fat is the hardest part. Unlike all other muscle groups, the abdomen area requires a constant amount of effort and training to really get that flat stomach. …

6 Powerful Anti-Aging Fruits

As we grow older, we try to do almost anything and everything to retain our youth. While there is no magic formula, there are certain things which can help us slow down the aging process. Fruits are a great source of anti-aging …

10 Signs Someone is Lying

People sometimes have a certain natural instinct when spotting if they are being lied to. Some people are really good at using those instincts and recognizing the telltale signs. Some people cannot pinpoint those signs quite as well. According to some studies, …

7 Proven Secrets to Happiness

Who among us isn’t searching for happiness? For some lucky people, happiness just seems to be something that comes naturally to them with little or no effort. Although we all might like to be blessed with such a sunny disposition, some of …