Monthly Archive:: January 2018

8 Reasons Why Women Fall Out Of Love

Who can forget the feelings that you experience at the start of a new and promising relationship? There’s hardly a moment that passes when you don’t think about him and you can barely contain the anticipation of seeing him again. You don’t …

10 Foods to Eat When Detoxing

Whether or not people can help the body detoxify itself is a matter that can be quite controversial. While there is no doubt that certain foods may accelerate elimination, a true “detox” is something that numerous products claim to accomplish. The fact …

7 of the Best Foods for Diabetics

Do you feel like your meals taste bland and boring after cutting down on sugar? It is important for diabetics to eat nutritious foods with a low GI or glycemic index, as the GI measures how quickly food raises blood sugar levels. …

10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress

As medical researchers learn more about the role stress plays in our overall health it becomes more obvious that stress is a potential killer. In addition to increasing the chances of having a heart attack, stroke or other serious medical problem, stress …

10 Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease is normally thought of as a condition that strikes in the later years of life, but in some cases, “early onset Alzheimer’s” can occur in people who are only in their 40’s or 50’s. Treatments are being explored to help …

10 Signs That You May Have Leukemia

When we hear the word cancer we are probably quick to think of things like skin cancer, lung cancer, or maybe even especially unforgiving forms of cancer such as pancreatic cancer. Leukemia is a type of cancer that’s quite different from most …