When we hear the word cancer we are probably quick to think of things like skin cancer, lung cancer, or maybe even especially unforgiving forms of cancer such as pancreatic cancer. Leukemia is a type of cancer that’s quite different from most other forms since it is actually cancer of the blood. Like so many other forms of cancer, what causes is it is still a mystery. It usually starts in the bone marrow and causes the formation of white blood cells that are abnormal. Leukemia is normally diagnosed with a blood test of a bone marrow biopsy. Treatment usually consists of chemotherapy, radiation or bone marrow transplant. The 5-year survival rate for people diagnosed with leukemia is about 57 percent, which may provide a measure of hope for those who are diagnosed. The following are signs and symptoms that could indicate leukemia.
1. Tiny Spots or Dots on the Skin
These tiny spots are technically known as petechiae and may show up as patches of very small purple or red dots that are often observed on the arms, back, chest and face. Since leukemia can cause a decrease in the number of clot-forming platelets in the blood, smaller blood vessels are more likely to break causing petechiae, which can easily be mistaken for some type of rash.