It has been shown that weight loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) is the only proven technique to result in long lasting weight loss, other than exercise and diet. Overall, gastric bypass patients can expect to lose an estimate of 70 percent of their excess fat via this method, but with it’s popularity come many myths about the procedure. With so much information on this surgery available on the Internet, it can be difficult to figure out the facts from the myths. Check out the following myths about weight loss surgery.
Myth: Bariatric surgery is an easy way out, rather than exercise and dieting
Choosing to have bariatric surgery over exercise and dieting programs is an easy way out proves to be false. When it comes to weight loss, for many obese patients, exercise and dieting just simply isn’t enough to provide the requited long-term benefits. Resistance to weight loss programs and dieting has occurred for many patients. Going back to the long-term results, 80 percent of obese diet patients regained the weight they initially lost via dieting and exercise; it’s not sustainable. Obese patients may struggle with barriers blocking their metabolism system and resulting in non-sustained weight loss.
Myth: Bariatric patients begin having alcohol intolerance after surgery
The myth that bariatric patients begin having an alcohol intolerance after surgery is false. If alcohol issues occur, it is highly likely that the patient already had issues with alcohol in the first place. Post-surgery can enable your body to become sensitive to alcohol, but in the event that this does take place, the bypass surgeon should offer you a list of guidelines to better help you manage your alcohol intake.
Myth: An increase rate of suicide for bariatric patients
An increase in the rate of suicide for bariatric patients is not true. Actually, it’s quite the opposite. Patients are more likely to have a positive outlook on life and be much more confident with their new, slimmer self. A percentage of patients have gone into the surgery with depressed-like feelings and after the bypass have completely done a 180-degree turn.
Myth: Bariatric patients regain the weight after surgery
The myth that bariatric patients often regain the weight after surgery varies. For some patients, they may see a small increase in weight over the course of two years, post-surgery results that is. There can’t be the expectancy that you’ll automatically keep off any weight you lose from your surgery. Lifestyle changes are necessary; consider it daily maintenance. You cannot continue the same lifestyle you had before your surgery. Nutrition and staying active are just a couple of changes you can make. Patients who were diagnosed with diabetes prior to the surgery, have seen significant improvements to their health, thanks to sustaining weight loss.
Weight loss surgery is not a cure and takes work on your behalf after the surgery has been had. Abusing the surgery can occur once you continue bad eating habits. As previously mentioned, dieting and exercise is not enough and neither is just the surgery. Taking both surgery and post-care tactics will help propel and sustain the results you desire.
Myth: Liquid only diet after surgery
Liquid-only diets after surgery is not required permanently, but over a short period of time, you will have to be a liquid diet. Before and after the surgery, you will be placed on a liquid diet. Approximately two weeks before your surgery, your doctor will place you on the liquid diet. Post-surgery will result in 1-2 weeks of the liquid diet, varying per-patient. The reason for the diet is to transition you into a having solid food.
Myth: Big scars left on your body after surgery
Big scars being left on your body after the weight loss surgery is not true. However, a few decades ago, this would prove to be true. Thanks to laparoscopically, you will only be left with a small scar; the laparoscopic technique. “The laparoscopic technique is a minimally invasive way that a surgeon can perform complex procedures that used to require the conventional large incisions,” Dr. Ricardo M. Bonner, a Houston surgeon reports.
Myth: After surgery, you will not be able to get pregnant
After weight loss surgery, you will be able to get pregnant, but it is recommended that you wait 1-2 years before attempts of pregnancy are made. You want to ensure that you lost a majority of the weight you wanted to lose and that stabilization of your weight is intact. Stabilization of your hormones and diet are essential after your surgery and you want to ensure that your daily vitamin intake doesn’t deplete.
Myth: Weight loss surgery will not be covered by insurance
Weight loss surgery is not a cheap expense. When insurance companies determine whether or not your surgery is to be supported, companies use National Institutes of Health (NIH). Insurance companies are not all the same, so the cost will vary upon insurance coverage. Also, your weight will also play a role in your coverage.
Bariatric surgery provides patients with the results they crave, but it is up to the patient to follow post-guidelines and have the discipline to have a sustained plan of action. Through the many myths that exist about the surgery, they are not all completely true and there is a variance, depending on each person’s situation.