6 Methods For Saving Money That Just Don’t Work

5. Buying in bulk

Shopping in those massive warehouse stores can be fun for sure, but most, if not all of them, charge a membership fee for the privilege of shopping there. If you have a huge family and will use that 40-ounce jar of peanut butter or 5 pounds of pasta, you may be saving money, but for many shoppers, buying in bulk only provides the illusion of saving. And who doesn’t end up being tempted by all those fun and exciting things you see in a warehouse store that you usually wouldn’t be buying? In many cases, you probably end up spending more in a warehouse store than if you shopped at the local supermarket.

Also, keep in mind that warehouse stores do not normally have the best prices on the things you normally buy at the supermarket. Taking advantage of the best deals and sales at your local supermarket will save you more in the long run, and if you want to max out the savings potential, use coupons. For everyday savings, consider buying the store brand items instead of the better-known national brands. Consumer research has demonstrated that the majority of store brands are just as good as the big name brands and buying them can save you as much as 25 percent.