Online Dating is getting more popular as time goes on. People are becoming fed up of meeting people on a night out, only to find they can hardly each other due to the loud music, or one or both have had a few too many sherbets and can hardly string a sentence together!
But with Online Dating it’s different. Here, you can get to know somebody first, before you make the decision to meet them in person. It’s a good way of finding out if there’s any chemistry; if you’re interested in similar things, and it can also help you to pick up on any of their weak points. If you’re thinking about venturing into the world of Online Dating, or if you’re already signed up, make sure you follow these tips.
1. Smile in your photos!
This one seems obvious, right? You’ll be surprised! It’s amazing how so many people take the time and effort to create a profile, complete all the necessary fields and then bang – upload one or more photos of them looking as miserable as sin! Don’t do it. Make sure you’re looking cheerful and happy in your pictures. A nice smile goes a long way. It says, “This person looks like a nice happy-go-lucky person”. Not “Crikey, I wouldn’t like to be in the same room as him/her on a bad day!”