6. Howard Storm
Before the near-death experience college professor, Howard Storm was a self-proclaimed “double atheist” and a “know-it-all.” On the last day of a college trip to France, he retired to his hotel room only to fall out of bed, shouting with pain, making his wife call for medical help. At the hospital, they waited for a doctor to arrive who would need to operate on his perforated stomach or he would die.
The wait was so long that a few moments after he had said his farewell to his spouse he found himself standing beside his mortal body and feeling rejuvenated and no pain. This is when he heard voices calling out to him from a dark hallway. Suddenly, he was brutally attacked by ‘demons’ that almost destroyed him. While he lay collapsed on the floor he found himself reciting God’s Prayers, found himself saved and transported back to his mortal body. His book My Descent Into Death describing everything in detail was published in 2000.