10 Signs You’ve Picked The Wrong One

6. Wandering Eyes

It’s quite natural for all of us to appreciate the attractiveness of another person outside of our relationships and we might even develop a bit of a harmless crush on someone else once in a while, but if you are finding yourself preoccupied with thoughts of being with someone else, it could be a sign that all is not well with your current relationship.

It might be a former lover who you are having doubts about letting go of or someone new you met that you just can’t seem to stop thinking about. No matter what the circumstance, focusing too much of your energy on thinking about someone else could be your heart trying to tell you that you should be with someone else.

These feelings can be particularly compelling when they involve a former partner and lingering doubts make you think it was a mistake to break it off. Research has actually found that rekindling lost love is often more successful than people would expect.