10 Signs You’ve Picked The Wrong One

4. You fear for your safety

This is a big one. It may seem like this would not have to be said, but you might be surprised to learn how many people remain in abusive relationships. Even if someone has not laid their hands on you, you may have noticed violent behavior that could eventually be directed at you. If you have any doubts about your safety, it’s best to end that relationship and find someone who makes you feel completely safe and protected, and not like you could be expecting a punch or slap in the face the next time you have an argument.

Emotional safety is something that should not be overlooked either. Someone may never lay a hand on you but emotional abuse can leave unseen scars that may result in permanent damage.

This is another instance where you could find yourself making excuses to continue the relationship when all the signs are there that you should end it. “He only hit me because he had a terrible childhood.” “He’s a guy and all guys do that.” “I really should not have said that and I probably deserved to be hit.”

Finding yourself making those kinds of excuses is a sure sign that you are in a potentially dangerous situation that you should end immediately.